“Shift2DC: Revolutionising the way we use electricity”, an article authored by Shift2DC project Coordinator Hugo Morais featured on the Enlit Europe website.
On February 6th, Shift2DC partner Schneider Electric hosted a workshop focused on Work Package 2 dedicated to tools, methods, and applications for DC solutions.
On November 26th and 27 the third Shift2DC Project General Assembly (GA) travelled do Tallinn, Estonia, hosted by project partners at TalTech.
On November 20th, the Shift2DC project hosted an online meeting in collaboration with Current OS to explore the solutions being developed in the project’s four Demonstrators based in three European countries.
The Shift2DC project travelled to Chicago between November 7 and 8 to present atCIRED Chigago Workshop 2024 one of the main international European electricity distribution community meeting points that was held for the first time in the USA under the topic “Resilience of Electric Distribution Systems”.
The Shift2DC project was part of this year’s edition of Enlit Europe, one of the most significant conferences and exhibitions in the energy sector, which saw a record-breaking attendance of 15,000 energy experts.
Andrii Chub (Taltech), Salvador Ceballos (Tecnalia), John Thome (JJ Cooling), Hugo Morais (INESC-ID I Técnico) and Lucas Pereira (Técnico) have been ranked in “Stanford World’s Top 2% Scientists”.
On June 3rd and 4th, Shift2DC was part of Current/OS plenary session in Grenoble, France, hosted by the project partner Schneider Electric.
INESC-ID, the Portuguese Research & Development Institute that is leading the Shift2DC project, has signed an agreement with the Current/OS Foundation, to join as Affiliate partner
The project was represented at INESC-ID booth by researchers Pedro Costa and Guilherme Paraíso.
On June 26th, the Shift2DC project was presented at the Madeira Digital Transformation Summit, one of the five major events included in Madeira’s Digital Transformation Week. (June 20-28).
On June 12th and 13th, the Shift2DC Project hosted its 2nd General Assembly meeting, hosted by RWTH University in Germany.
The Shift2DC Project traveled to Delft in the Netherlands to participate in a Workshop organized by EURAMET’s EMN for Smart Electricity Grids, in collaboration with the research project DC Grids – Standardisation of measurements for DC electricity grids.
On April 25th, the Shift2DC project hosted an online meeting in collaboration EHPA to discuss strategies concerning DC solutions and explore the potential for future collaborations between EHPA’s associates and the Shift2DC consortium.
On April 3rd, Shift2DC partners involved in the Portuguese demonstrator were gathered to discuss the next steps of the Demo based in Funchal, Madeira (Portugal).
This year’s edition of the 2024 Bridge General Assembly (GA) was held in Brussels on April 9 and 10.
The SHIFT to Direct Current (SHIFT2DC) project hosted its Kick-off Meeting on December 12 and 13 in at Instituto Superior Técnico.