Shift2DC work structure builds upon seven Work packages (WPs). Specific goals and tasks were defined to be in line with the specific challenges and project objectives for the total project duration of the project (42 months).


WP1 will run throughout the project lifespan and focus on the main challenges and opportunities of DC applications, the evolution of these solutions in different scenarios, and the assessment of the existing policies and regulatory framework.

Specific goals are:

  • Define the main technical challenges and opportunities of the DC solutions (tools and devices);
  • Evaluate the impact on energy systems of different evolution scenarios of DC solutions;
  • Understand the regulatory framework allowing to overcome the barriers and promoting the development and acceptance of DC solutions;
  • Define and detail the use-cases that will be implemented in the demonstrators;
  • Define and specify DC tools and devices;
  • Identify the IT requirements according to the needs of the demonstrators;
  • Collect behavioral, qualitative, quantitative, and context of use of DC solutions.


WP2 will develop tools to apply in DC Solutions, most of them already developed and used by the involved partners in the simulation of AC solutions.

The main contribution of this WP will be the inclusion of new control strategies allowing an efficient and resilient management of DC grids, the inclusion of new solutions that will be developed in WP3 and the development of specific libraries and use cases to model the needs of the demonstrators.

Specific tools of WP2:

  • A tool for the design of DC solutions considering its use in multiple applications;
  • Specific libraries for data centers, buildings, industry and ports to be integrated in the DC solutions design tool;
  • A tool to support the design of protection systems for hybrid AC/DC grids;
  • Simulation tools to support the development and test of new control algorithms for DC solutions;
  • A hardware-in-the- loop platform allowing the simulation of DC solutions and the interaction with real devices;
  • A “white” EMS/SCADA system to manage and control DC installation including a couple of innovative algorithms;
  • A conditioning monitoring tool to be applied in DC infrastructures;
  • An IT monitoring platform for the assessment of the operation quality of the DC installations.


WP3 effort will be on the development of the main technologies that will be tested in Shift2DC demonstrators. Tools and methods developed in WP2 will be applied and verified by tasks in WP3.

Specific goals will include to prototype:

  • A smart and eco-friendly cable specifically developed for DC applications and to develop new control devices allowing a better integration and management of DERs in DC grids;
  • New devices integrating the control algorithms described in the previous point;
  • New DC grids interfaces allowing a better management of the DC grids and systems;
  • New protection equipment and architectures.


WP4 aims to test DC Solutions developed in previous Work packages, in real Demonstration sites and Field-tests.

Specific Objectives:

  • Test the design and simulation tools, developed in WP2, in real applications;
  • Demonstrate the technical feasibility of the DC solutions in different environments such as Data centers, Buildings, Industry and Ports;
  • Test the prototypes that will be developed in WP3 in operating conditions very close to the real ones;
  • Develop digital twin platforms allowing the assessment of the DC solutions considering real environments;
  • Develop and test the different use-cases described in Section 1;

Understand the main barriers and opportunities of DC solutions considering the results and lessons learned in each demonstrator.


WP5 proposes a detailed exploitation plan for the solutions that will be developed in the project by participating in the main standardization bodies, and disseminating the results obtained in the project.

Specific Objectives:

  • Implement a cost-benefit analysis for the four core sectors addressed in this project (data centers, buildings, industry and ports);
  • Develop guidelines and a roadmap centered in the development and adoption of DC solutions;
  • Create new business models based on the main conclusions of the Project.


WP6 defines the communication and dissemination strategies to maximize the impact of the project’s results, via targeted events and project dissemination channels, and transfer of knowledge and technology to targeted stakeholders.

Specific Objectives:

  • Develop communication and dissemination plans to maximize the project´s visibility to the target audiences through relevant key messages and effective communication channels;
  • Facilitate the sharing of scientific and technological knowledge within and beyond the SHIFT2DC consortium;
  • Foster knowledge transfer by establishing networks with other projects and national and European initiatives.


WP7 concerns all activities related to project coordination, administrative and data management; quality assessment & risk management;