Apr 16

Shift2DC partners meet in Madeira to discuss the next steps of the Portuguese Demo

On April 3rd, Shift2DC partners involved in the Portuguese demonstrator were gathered to discuss the next steps of the Demo based in Funchal, Madeira (Portugal).

The meeting counted on representatives from all the Portuguese Demo partner Institutions:  INESC-IDEDP RenewablesInteractive Technologies InstituteElectricidade da Madeira (EEM), and Administração dos Portos da Região Autónoma da Madeira (APRAM), and took place at the location where the demonstration activities will be developed – the Port of Funchal.

This first gathering served four main purposes: give an overview of the port demonstrator, including the main objectives, equipment to acquire and install, and systems to be developed; provide an overview of the initial research steps, and assess the best locations to install the necessary equipment; gain an understanding of the electric infrastructure that is currently available to select the best locations to install the smart metering infrastructure; and define the next steps to be developed by the involved teams.

The Port Demonstrator has two main objectives:

✅ Study the potential of Direct Current solutions (DC) in Ports by leveraging a Digital Twin of the Funchal Port 
✅ Analyze user perspectives

The methodologies developed in the Portuguese Demo, to what concerns the user acceptance and adoption of DC technologies, will be adopted and replicated across the project 4️ four demos.

More about Shift2DC Demos here.