
The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) represents most of the European heat pump industry. Its members (220+) comprise heat pump and component manufacturers, research institutes, universities, testing labs, utilities and national associations. Its key goal is to promote awareness and proper deployment of heat pump technology in the European market for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

All EHPA activities aim to overcome market barriers by disseminating information to speed up the market development of heat pumps for heating, cooling, and hot water production. The association actively monitors current EU and National legislation developments and provides technical and economic input to European, national and local authorities.

The association has an extensive experience in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and heating and cooling policy fields. This is documented by the many projects and activities undertaken by EHPA at the National and European levels. EHPA has a proven track record of dissemination and communication of EU project results, research, policy, and implementation (e.g., Heat Road Map Europe, Dryficiency, PUSH2Heat, SPIRIT, Heat4Cool, SunHorizon, GeoAtlantic, Renewable Heating and Cooling ETIP, REWARDHeat, HP4All, SuperHomes2030).

Role under the Project

In the project EHPA contributes in the understanding of the regulatory framework allowing to overcome the barriers and promoting the development and acceptance of DC solutions, in the elaboration of the cost-benefit analysis and of the guidelines and roadmap centered in the development and adoption of DC solutions. In addition, it contributes to the communication and dissemination of the project through participation in external events and fairs, European initiatives, and social media channels.
