"Shift2DC: Revolutionising the way we use electricity", an article authored by Shift2DC project Coordinator Hugo Morais featured on the Enlit Europe website. 🌟 Here are some of the highlights mentioned in the article:... read more →
On February 6th, Shift2DC partner Schneider Electric hosted a workshop at its R&D facilities in Grenoble, France. The event agenda was focused on Work Package 2 (WP2) dedicated to tools,... read more →
On November 26th and 27 the third Shift2DC Project General Assembly (GA) travelled do Tallinn, Estonia, hosted by project partners at TalTech. This is the third semesterly meeting following the project kick off... read more →
On November 20th, the Shift2DC project hosted an online meeting in collaboration with Current OS, the open EU foundation for the promotion and adoption of active Direct Current (DC) solutions... read more →
The Shift2DC project travelled to Chicago between November 7 and 8 to present at CIRED Chigago Workshop 2024, one of the main international European electricity distribution community meeting points, that... read more →
The Shift2DC project was part of this year’s edition of Enlit Europe, one of the most significant conferences and exhibitions in the energy sector, which saw a record-breaking attendance of... read more →
Shift2DC researchers Andrii Chub (Taltech), Salvador Ceballos (Tecnalia), John Thome (JJ Cooling), Hugo Morais (INESC-ID I Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico) and Lucas Pereira (ITI I TĂ©cnico) have been ranked among the... read more →
On June 3rd and 4th, Shift2DC was part of Current/OS plenary session in Grenoble, France, hosted by the project partner Schneider Electric. The meeting was an opportunity for Current/OS partners... read more →
INESC-ID, the Portuguese Research & Development Institute that is leading the Shift2DC project, has signed an agreement with the Current/OS Foundation, to join as Affiliate partner. Current OS, an open... read more →
On June 29th, the Shift2DC project was at TĂ©cnico ElectroDay, an outreach initiative by Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) to promote study programmes, research centers and projects,... read more →